Warning – this article may contain gross exaggeration, painful puns and slight traces of humour. Do not read if you’re feeling overly full of food as it may cause vomiting or worse. It was a special birthday dinner...
Category - Money and finance
Everyone has some sort of general perspective on the world, be it gloom, doom and kaboom or sugar and spice and all things nice. It all depends on who you ask. So I trolled around for an interesting bunch of people and I...
A Shorten Humorless lunchtime interview with Mr Cryptic, a well known business tycoon famous for his economical use of food, money and words. SH: Welcome Mr Cryptic. I’d like to ask you a few questions about how you...
Our gas heater has an important role in winter in keeping us from freezing to death as the temperature plunges toward zero. But it has an undocumented function that’s not in the user manual: the death rattle. Turn it off and it...
They know if they miss buying some now, they will have to suffer eating supermarket doughnuts that are as cold, rubbery and unappetising as a dog’s chew toy. So they buy the fresh warm doughnuts in front of them. And a box...
A Short&Humorous interview with Professor Evan Level, Ph.D, Professor of Flatitudinal Studies, Pancake University, Flatchester. S&H: Professor Level, I understand that you have revolutionized tertiary education by...
“Like the dinosaur, big-box stores have been getting steadily larger. That was handy for devouring smaller competitors, but not much use against insurmountably large and unavoidable problems like asteroids….” from...
What I am talking about is a piece of paper or a smartphone code that gives me a discount price. Voucher, coupon, whichever, whatever. Naturally there is a hierarchy in the world of vouchers as there is in the world...
“Her description of her father, the old earl, touched something romantic in Edwin’s generous heart. He was never tired of asking how old he was, was he robust, did a shock, a sudden shock, affect him much? And so on...
“I mix a good deal with the Millionaires. I like them, I like the way they live. I like the things they eat. The more we mix together the better I like the things we mix” ( “How to make a million dollars”...