“Well,” says the doctor, “I want you to keep very quiet; you’ll have to go to bed and stay there and keep quiet.” In reality, of course, the doctor hasn’t the least idea what is wrong with the...
Category - Success
“Her description of her father, the old earl, touched something romantic in Edwin’s generous heart. He was never tired of asking how old he was, was he robust, did a shock, a sudden shock, affect him much? And so on...
To cut costs and boost profits, organisations must really consider the half-baked business model. This bleeding edge approach first stormed into consumer consciousness when half baked bread rolls appeared in the supermarket. The...
Organising the teams for table tennis is always a problem. There are the good players, the really good players and the really bad players like me who are there to make all the other players feel good about themselves. The...
Of course I am special. I know all the words to the nonsense rhyme “One fine day in the middle of the night”, I once made an Olympic torch out of cardboard and coloured streamers and I’m the only person sitting...
Don’t you love stories of success, especially when it is unexpected? Every day on his dairy farm, Pioneer Charlie walked past an old weirdly shaped fallen tree trunk on his way to the milking shed. In his imagination the...
“I mix a good deal with the Millionaires. I like them, I like the way they live. I like the things they eat. The more we mix together the better I like the things we mix” ( “How to make a million dollars”...