Helicopters are always in the news, either taking people up or taking them down. One helicopter in my home state caused a politician to actually apologize to the public. Now that’s power for you. The problem was that the...
Category - Travel
I heard about Cheapo Airlines through word-of-mouth. A student friend of a friend told my friend about Cheapo. Students always know the cheapest ways to get around so I decided to risk it. It worked for him, so why not me? After...
“I mix a good deal with the Millionaires. I like them, I like the way they live. I like the things they eat. The more we mix together the better I like the things we mix” ( “How to make a million dollars”...
“…Billy, of course, is only one of thousands that have got this mania. And the autumn is the time when it rages at its worst. Every day there move northward trains, packed full of lawyers, bankers, and brokers...