Epiphanies exposed

Eureka moments, sudden realisations that change you forever, revelations of great truths. They are all epiphanies. I had a self epiphany at my first school cricket match. When I walked in to bat, the opposing team as a man moved...

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Phone contortions

It was a simple heart-warming scene. A young mother was pushing her beloved toddler in a pram and arrived at the pedestrian crossing. Naturally, mum was talking on her phone as well. But the crossing required her to hit the...

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Speed Cuisine

TV cooking segments really appeal to me because everything is so quick. One moment Fast Freddy is chopping up a few onions and vegetables. Then in a flash he’s adding some secret sauce only available in a particular...

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Vegetable vexations

Of course we could grow our own vegetables. We had seen celebrity gardeners on TV do it. It looked so quick and easy when the whole process was shown in fast motion. One minute the celebrity gardener was turning the first spade...

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Factors for actors

You are an actor, your boss is an actor, your significant other is an actor, I am an actor. We’re all actors and “all the world’s a stage” as Shakespeare noted. If acting is about pretending to be someone...

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